The Memphis East District of masons and Eastern Stars (MEDMOES) are geographically located in Memphis Tennessee and comprise of 15 subordinate Prince Hall Affiliated lodges and 5 subordinate Order of the Eastern Stars Chapters.


The Memphis East District of masons and Eastern Stars (MEDMOES) are geographically located in Memphis Tennessee and comprise of 15 subordinate Prince Hall Affiliated lodges and 5 subordinate Order of the Eastern Stars Chapters. These lodges and Chapters are subordinate to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee where L. Lamont Banks serves as the 17 th Most Worshipful Grand Master. The District Deputy Grand Master is Rev. Kenneth ‘Earl’ Brown, with an Assistant District Deputy
Grand Master Laval Malachi and District Grand Lecturer Lemon Lowery Jr. The District Deputy Grand Matron for Memphis East is Lula M. Warren. These lodges and chapters are also the bodies within the Memphis Region under the direction of Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Samuel T. Anderson Sr. The MEDMOES is a proud representation of men and women from many diverse walks of life and careers that generously support many community—outreach and volunteer efforts throughout Memphis and Shelby County. Many of these members also have membership in the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc., and the Prince Hall
Affiliated York Rite Masonic Bodies, the Knights of Prince Hall, Tennessee and Jurisdiction P.H.A and the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine North and South America and its Jurisdictions Incorporated.


As members of this international organization and a subordinate of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee the MEDMOES family seeks to promote, model and support the fellowship of individuals of good moral character. Membership in the order transcends all individual religious, educational, ethnic, cultural, national, political, economic and social difference to foster both character development and service to others. Subsequently, Freemasonry nurtures and develops members to be responsible individuals who maintain dynamic roles and project positive influences in all stations of their lives including their families, communities, country and to all of humankind.

Thank you again for sharing this time with us and we sincerely hope that your experience will be enjoyable, rewarding and fruitful. Whether your intent is simply to find an event, contact an entity within the MEDMOES district, to gain a greater understanding of Masonry, to inquire about membership, or for any other purpose, your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Our principles extend far beyond our interactions with each other, and we strive to apply them to our daily lives so that we are the moral models for future generations to come. All who join Freemasonry must declare their belief in the existence of a Supreme Being, and practice their own personal faith. Freemasonry is a fraternity first and is neither a religion nor a place to worship or renders ecclesiastical dogmas on its members. Rather, it is a place where men of all monotheistic creeds can meet and focus on the great truths of peaceful human interaction that are the common good in all religions for the welfare of humankind.

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